Book Description
for When Stella Was Very, Very Small by Marie-Louise Gay
From The United States Board on Books for Young People (USBBY)
Stella has always been captivating, sporting halos of tangerine corkscrews and unconventional perspectives. When Stella Was Very, Very Small remi nisces on her early life—when the world was so large and “cups jumped off the table, just like that!” Gentle watercolors, with appropriate crayon wall drawings, provide a very, very small person’s perspective—and unwitting humor. New readers will identify with Stella remembering when “. . . words looked like ants running off the pages,” but all ages will enjoy reminiscing about “when I was very, very small.” Meanwhile, everyone can revel in Gay’s extraordinary language. Marie-Louise Gay has been nominated for the Astrid Lindgren and Hans Christian Andersen Awards. lmp
Translated by the author.